With the rise of social media networking and texting a decade and a half later, communication is becoming more casual, even in instances where more professional communication is required. This means that persons in their twenties and thirties may be unaware of the value of strong communication skills in the workplace. One of the characteristics shared by the greatest leaders is the ability to communicate effectively, underlining the importance of communication skills.

Listen, listen, and listen some more.

Instead of writing your response, concentrate on what the other person is saying. Seek clarification to avoid misunderstandings. People are asking if their problems are being addressed. Another thing to remember is to just have one conversation at a time. The other person will sense that you are not completely focused on her.

Plan ahead of time

Plan out what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it before you start any type of conversation. Being prepared, on the other hand, takes more than just putting up a presentation. Preparation also requires considering the entire discourse, from start to finish. Look into the details you might need to back up your message. Think about how you respond to questions and criticism. Prepare for the unexpected. Prepare a list of concrete examples of your employee’s behavior to support your evaluation, for example, before a performance review.

Body language is important.

To appear friendly, maintain open body language. This indicates you should refrain from crossing your arms. Maintain eye contact with the other person to demonstrate that you are paying attention. Even if you’re on the call, smile because the other person will notice your positive attitude. If you smile regularly and have a cheery personality, people will respond positively to you.

Check your message before sending it.

Make a list of everything. Although spell and syntax checkers are helpful, they are not perfect. Take notes while talking to someone else or during a meeting, and don’t rely on your recollection. Send a follow-up email to ensure you comprehended what was discussed during the conversation. Check what you’ve written twice to be sure it conveys the intended message.

Picking up the phone is sometimes preferable. If you find yourself with a lot to say, phone the person instead of sending an email. Email is fantastic, but sometimes it is easier to express yourself verbally.

Take notes.

Take notes while talking to someone else or in a meeting, and don’t rely on your recollection. Send a follow-up email to ensure that you understand what was discussed during the chat.

It’s sometimes preferable to pick up the phone. If you have a lot to say, phone the person instead of sending an email. Email is excellent, but sometimes it is better to communicate what you want to say verbally.

Be aware of nonverbal communication.

Our body language, gestures, and facial expressions can frequently transmit more information than our words. Nonverbal cues can have up to 93 percent more influence than spoken words. If the two are in disagreement, we are more prone to believe nonverbal signs over spoken statements. Leaders must be particularly skilled at understanding nonverbal signs. Employees who are hesitant to express their differences or worries, for example, may exhibit their uneasiness by crossing their arms or refusing to make eye contact. You may be able to adapt your communication strategies if you are aware of others’ body language. Leaders must be able to control their own nonverbal communication at the same time.

Improve your emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence serves as the foundation for communication. Simply said, you cannot effectively interact with others unless you examine and comprehend your own sentiments. Leaders with high emotional intelligence, for example, will find it easier to participate in active listening, maintain proper tone, and utilize positive body language. Emotional intelligence is more than just understanding and managing your own emotions. The other component, which is as vital for good communication, is empathy for others. Empathizing with an employee, for example, can help to ease a difficult talk.

Bottom line:

Because communicating successfully is a teachable ability, implementing a few of the strategies described above will allow you to improve your communication abilities. Building and mastering excellent communication skills, on the other hand, will make your work as a leader easier, especially during challenging conversations. Investing time in developing these talents will undoubtedly be time well spent.

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