Second Language

People who speak more than one language have a distinct edge over those who only speak one. They are among the top eight abilities required for all professions, regardless of sector or level of experience, and there is a growing demand for multilingual professionals. Employers are looking for professionals who can serve and sell to clients in both new and expanding international markets, as well as a sizable community of foreign-born domestic customers. More than 60 million Americans speak a language other than English at home, so you don’t even need to board a plane to develop your language abilities.


The benefits of learning a second (or even third!) language are becoming increasingly generally acknowledged as corporate borders continue to blur. What is one language that frequently appears on lists of the most important business languages? Chinese.

It broadens your horizons in terms of culture.

With a history that is about 5000 years old and one of the world’s oldest and richest continuous cultures, there must be some component of Chinese culture that will touch your heart and move you. Language abilities in Chinese may assist you in better understanding its culture. Unlike English or other Indo-European languages, Chinese is a pictograph. Everything has meaning and a story to it. If you study this ancient oriental language, you will be able to appreciate its artistic splendor.

Communicate in multiple languages, not just Chinese.

Mandarin is the official language of the world’s most populous country and the language most widely used by native speakers. China also possesses the greatest manufacturing and export network in the world, as well as multiple major worldwide firms such as Alibaba Group, C-Trip International, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and SAIC Motor Company.


A rising number of people are devoting time to learning English as a second language these days. Many countries include English in their school curricula, and children are learning English at an earlier age than ever before. But what is the genuine value of learning English? Learning English may help you progress both personally and professionally, whether you’re looking for a new job or planning a vacation around the world. You may compete in the global job market, grow in your career, and meet people from all over the world.

Learning English gives you more Internet access.

According to a poll conducted by Education First, English is the major language used on the internet. Every day, an estimated 565 million people use the internet, and 52 percent of the world’s most frequented websites are shown in English. Learning English is important since it allows you to access more than half of the information on the internet. Knowing how to read English will allow you to gain access to billions of pages of information that you would not have otherwise.

English is the official business language.

English is the most often used business language, and knowing it has nearly become a must for anyone wishing to operate in a global economy. According to global studies, cross-border business communication is most typically conducted in English, and many international firms prefer that their employees be fluent in English. English has been designated as the official corporate language of Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor, and Microsoft in Beijing. Furthermore, Rakuten, a Japanese hybrid of Amazon and eBay, made English proficiency mandatory for their 7,100 Japanese employees in 2010.


A bridge to vast economic powers

Studying in Germany means potentially joining the workforce of one of the world’s most strong and stable economies. Germany is the largest economy in Europe, the fourth largest GDP in the world, and is one of the top ten import/export countries for both the United States and the United Kingdom, both of which are world-power economies. In addition to these facts, German is the official language of two more major European economies: Switzerland and Austria. Knowing the language will help you do business with companies from these nations.

For English speakers, it is simple to learn.

Both English and German have Proto-Germanic linguistic roots. Many words in English have been borrowed or adapted from German. If you speak English natively, learning German should be significantly easier than learning a Romance language like French or a non-European language.

Bottom line:

Language acquisition is most effective when the mind is young and pliable. Having your children study a second language has immediate economic, intellectual, and educational benefits. And that’s on top of the other benefits of bilingualism!

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