Why Learn German? 12 Reasons to Learn German Language Course

German Language Course

My response is usually the same when someone asks “why to learn German?”: hey, why not? Germany is a really beautiful nation, and it’s becoming more and more common for people to speak German across most of Europe. In the social and economic climate of today, learning German presents a fantastic chance for personal growth.

Whatever plans you may have, learning German will broaden your alternatives. Learning German gives you a variety of abilities that can enhance both your professional and personal lives:

Everywhere in the world, you will meet new people:

Germans are the world travelers’ dream, with 20 days to almost six weeks of annual leave and a greater average salary than most other nations. The world is truly filled with them!

This means that there is a high likelihood that you may encounter a German speaker whether traveling for work or pleasure. Learn German if you want to be able to interact with people and make friends wherever you go.

German is the most spoken native language in Europe:

German is a fairly well-known language around the world and an official language of the European Union, much like French, the language of love.

With 100 million native speakers and over 56 million people who speak it as a second language, German ranks 15th among the world’s most-spoken languages. German is steadily emerging as a lingua franca due to the additional millions of people who speak it as a third language.

The list goes on! In Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol (Italy), the German-speaking Community of Belgium, Liechtenstein, and as one of the three official languages of Luxembourg, German is the most frequently spoken language and is either an official language or a co-official language.

To put it another way, you will be able to travel without being concerned that you won’t be able to get assistance, instructions, or guidance in any of these lovely nations.

Learning German will boost your career opportunities:

Everything is related, as you can see. If you list German as one of your language talents on your resume, it will stand out because it is the most widely spoken native language in Europe and because of the economy. A 4% pay increase is also predicted to accompany learning German, according to estimates.


Being able to communicate with your German business colleagues more effectively and more successfully depends on your ability to speak their language.

Tourism and hospitality sector: 

Visitors from German-speaking nations travel widely and spend the most money while on vacation. They value having staff members and tour guides who speak German look after them.

German universities provide free, high-quality education:

Excellent news for new students! Fluency in German entitles one to free schooling.

In the US, attending a prestigious institution costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, whereas in the UK it costs thousands of pounds. though, in Germany? Oh, surprise! Even though most German universities offer free tuition to all students, receiving a top-notch education is still guaranteed.

German universities like the Technical University of Munich, Ludwig Maximilian University of München, and Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg are all ranked among the top 100 universities in the world.

German is the second-most-used scientific language worldwide:

Last but not least, Germany is one of the major contributors to research and development, and German is the second most prevalent language used in science.

In 2016, the German public sector contributed over 27.5 billion euros to the country’s research and development budget. Naturally, such a large investment also makes it possible for foreign scientists like…you?! to receive research grants. The implication is that you don’t want to pass up this chance.

Science and Research:

German is the second most widely used language in science and research. Germany awards research fellowships to foreign scientists and is the third-largest donor to R&D.


Multilingual speakers are required due to the advancement of media, knowledge, and communication technology.

Numerous significant websites are available in German, and the country is rated fifth in the world for the annual production of new publications.

Consequently, knowing German increases your ability to access information.

Cultural Understanding: 

Learning German broadens your horizons by allowing you to get insight into the manner of life as well as the aspirations and hopes of people in German-speaking nations.


Make the most of your trips by visiting many other European nations, particularly those in Eastern Europe, where German is widely spoken in addition to the German-speaking ones.

Enjoyment of literature, music, art, and philosophy:

German is the language of Goethe, Kafka, Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven, who all enjoyed literature, music, art, and philosophy. Read or listen to their works in the author’s native tongue.


It’s time to get started learning German now that we have persuaded you to do so. German language instruction is available in a variety of formats.

The levels outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages serve as the foundation for our German courses. The GLLC has intense courses available.

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